Training & Technical Assistance
CBAC offers training, as well as customized coaching and technical assistance in many areas of business operations and marketing!
Do you need help with:
Evaluating your business’ financial performance?
Designing or updating your marketing strategy?
Locating resources to help you hire a qualified workforce?
Expanding your business?
You might have heard the saying, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” CBAC is here to help you through the loan application process, throughout the life of your loan, and even after you have paid off the loan if you need us. Once a client, always a client! Additionally, CBAC is here to help you address other areas of your business if or when the need arises.

How does a business receive technical assistance, and is it costly?
CBAC’s training, coaching, and technical assistance services are most often provided to business owner(s) one-on-one, often on-site at their business locations. We also provide links to online learning opportunities available through partner agencies and organizations, and we plan to offer web-based training opportunities starting in 2022.
CBAC does not charge for training, coaching, or technical assistance that we provide to our clients. Your only cost for these services is your time and willingness to learn and do what you need to do to start, grow, and succeed in your business.

What if I am not ready to apply for a loan but still want assistance with my business?
At this time, CBAC provides training, coaching, and technical assistance services to businesses that are seeking loan funds. We will consider assisting businesses that are not currently seeking loans on a case-by-case basis. We also have referral partnerships with area non-profit organizations, agencies, and professionals that focus on small business training and technical assistance, and we hope to launch our own online training opportunities in 2022.
If you want to learn more about our business training, coaching, and technical assistance services, please call us at 856-966-8181 or email us at info@CBACLenders.com.​

Cooperative Business Assistance Corporation (CBAC)
328 Market Street
Camden, NJ 08102
Tel: (856) 966-8181
Fax: (856) 966-0036