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The Beacon For Small Business Lending

C.B.A.C., also known as Cooperative Business Assistance Corporation, is The Beacon for Small Business LendingCBAC web color ALPHA_edited.jpg

We Welcome Partners

Now, more than ever, CBAC could not help small businesses thrive and contribute to our regional economy without partners like you. We work with banks and lenders, accounting firms, attorneys, Realtors® and other real estate professionals, and local and county government agencies throughout the region to help your clients and constituents get the financing they need to grow their businesses and improve our communities. 

Banks & Lenders

Banks & Lenders

Do you have business customers that need financing you cannot provide in whole or in part?   Would you like to help your small business customer get the financing needed without losing the entire business relationship to someone else?

Professionals discuss financial projections

If you are a bank or lending institution challenged to get your customers the financing they need without jeopardizing the entire business relationship, CBAC might be able to help.

Banker explaining services to clients

CBAC regularly makes loans in partnership with banks and other lenders. In most cases, we take a subordinated position to you, which decreases your risk on the deal.


You can use your own application, supporting documentation requirements, fees, underwriting criteria, and terms. Your borrowers can use the combined loan proceeds for acquisition and renovation of owner-occupied commercial real estate as well as leasehold improvements, equipment, inventory, and working capital. Most importantly, you eliminate the risk of losing your other lines of business with that customer to a competitor.


Maybe your customer is not quite ready for bank or lender financing. By referring them to CBAC, you can help them get the funds they need without the worry of losing the other business that they have with you to CBAC. Since we are a CDFI, non-bank lender, we don’t require borrowers to move other lines of business to us.


If you want to learn more about how CBAC might be able to work with you to assist your clients, we would like to hear from you. You can call us at 856-966-8181 or email us at

Professional Business Service Providers

Professional Business Services Providers

Do your professional business services clients need help with starting or growing their businesses, or finding capital to do so?


If you are a law firm, accounting firm, Realtor® or commercial real estate professional, insurance agency or broker, or other professional services firm that works with small businesses; CBAC might be able to help your clients with their financing needs.

What it means to be a lawer
Commercial Realtors Discussing Contract
Picture of a business professional with potential clients

CBAC regularly serves as a resource for professionals and firms that work with small businesses to get the capital they need to purchase equipment, lease or purchase and renovate commercial space, or access working capital. If you would like to know more about how CBAC might be able to work with you to assist your clients, we would like to hear from you. You can call us at 856-966-8181 or email us at

Local & County Government Agencies

Government Agencies

Do your constituents need help with starting, succeeding, or growing their businesses? Would you like to offer a targeted loan program to help attract and retain businesses in your community?

CBAC regularly serves as a resource for local and county government agencies and partnerships and accepts constituent referrals for services. CBAC also operates specialty loan programs in partnership with local and county governments in Atlantic, Camden, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester, and Salem Counties in New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Government building graphic

If you would like to know more about how CBAC might be able to assist your constituents through a referral partnership, or if you would like to discuss setting up or expanding a local or regional business capital loan fund, we would like to hear from you. Please call us at 856-966-8181 or email us at

Picture of generic potential business owner


Cooperative Business Assistance Corporation (CBAC)

328 Market Street

Camden, NJ 08102

Tel: (856) 966-8181

Fax: (856) 966-0036

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CBAC is a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), and Community Development Entity (CDE) through the United States Department of Treasury.  CBAC is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.  We are also a participating lender with the following agencies and organizations:

U.S. Small Business Administration Link To Website
Link to U.S. Economic Development Administratration
Link to U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Website
Link to New Jersey Economic Development Authority (N.J.E.D.A.) Website
Link to U.S. Department of Treasury Community Development Financial Institution (C.D.F.I.) website
Link to Opportunity Finance Network (O.F.N.) website
  • Facebook Link to C.B.A.C. Profile Page
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  • Twitter link to C.B.A.C. Profile Page
  • Instagram link to C.B.A.C. Home Page

CBAC is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer

© 2019-2024 CBAC LENDERS. Original design by Bluewire Media

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